Complex vector spaces#

Eigenvalues are often complex. It therefore makes sense in many cases to pose problems in the context of complex vector spaces.

In this short section we want to highlight a few differences when dealing with complex spaces.

Inner products and norms#

The complex equivalent of the usual Euclidian inner product is given as

\[ \langle x, y\rangle = \overline{y}^Tx = \sum_j x_j\overline{y_j}. \]

Hence, we have to take the complex conjugate of \(y\) when computing the inner product.

Correspondingly, the \(2\)-norm of a vector is given by

\[ \|x\|_2 = \left(\sum_{j}x_j\overline{x_j}\right)^{1/2} =\langle x, x\rangle^{1/2}. \]

Hermitian matrices#

The equivalent of transposed matrices in complex vector spaces is the Conjugate Transpose of a matrix. We have

\[ A^{H} := \overline{A}^T. \]

With this definition it holds that

\[ \langle Ax, y\rangle = \langle x, A^Hy\rangle. \]

We call a matrix Hermitian (or self-adjoint) if it holds that

\[ A^H = A. \]

From this it follows that the diagonal elements of a Hermitian matrix must be purely real.

Orthogonal matrices#

Since we have changed the definition of inner product the definition of orthogonal matrices also changes. In complex vector spaces we call a matrix \(Q\in\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}\) unitary if

\[ Q^HQ = I. \]

Hence, a unitary matrix is the complex equivalent of an orthogonal matrix.