Perturbation results for eigenvalue problems
Perturbation results for eigenvalue problems#
In this section we are discussing some classical eigenvalue perturbation bounds. We start with condition numbers of eigenvalues and then provide eigenvalue perturbation results for symmetric and nonsymmetric systems.
Eigenvalue Condition numbers#
Let \(A\in\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}\) and \((\lambda, x)\) an eigenpair of \(A\). Denote the associated left-eigenvector as \(y\). A left eigenvector satisfies \(y^HA = \lambda y^H\).
Let \(\lambda + \delta\lambda\) be an eigenvalue of the perturbed matrix \(A+\Delta A\). Then to first order
(see exercises for proof).
It follows that to first order
and we can define the absolute condition number \(\kappa(\lambda) = \frac{\|x\| \|y\|}{|x^Hy|}\).
Hence, if \(x\) and \(y\) are orthogonal then the condition number tends to infinity. Let us now investigate what happens if \(\lambda\) is a multiple eigenvalue. For simplicity assume that its algebraic multiplicity is the same as its geometric multiplicity. Then we have two right eigenvectors \(x_1\), and \(x_2\), but also two left eigenvectors \(y_1\) and \(y_2\). Moreover, any nonzero linear combination \(\alpha_1 x_1 + \alpha_2 x_2\) is a right eigenvector, and similarly any linear combination of \(y_1\) and \(y_2\) is a left eigenvector.
Assume that \(y_1\) is not orthogonal to \(x_2\) (otherwise, we already have an orthogonal pair of left and right eigenvector). We can then solve
from which it follows that \(y_1 \bot (x_1 - \frac{y_1^H x_1}{y_1^H x_2}x_2)\). As conclusion whenever we have a multiple eigenvalue we can find a combination of left and right eigenvector that is orthogonal, demonstrating that multiple eigenvalues are unstable to perturbations. This is intuitively clear. If we have a polynomial with a multiple root then a small arbitrary perturbation in the coefficients will turn a multiple root into several simple roots. If we have a Jordan form (that is the geometric multiplicity is smaller than the algebraic multiplicity) we can do similar considerations.
Eigenvalue perturbations and the resolvent#
We define the resolvent fuction as \(z\rightarrow (zI - A)^{-1}\) for \(A\in\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}\). If \(z\) is an eigenvalue then the resolvent function is unbounded since \(zI - A\) is not invertible in that case. It is interesting to consider what happens with the resolvent function if \(z\) is not an eigenvalue but close to an eigenvalue.
The followin statements are equivalent.
\(z\) is an eigenvalue of \(A+\Delta A\) for some \(\Delta A\) with \(\|\Delta A\|_2\leq \epsilon\).
There exists a vector \(u\in\mathbb{C}^n\) with \(\|(A-zI)u\|_2 \leq \epsilon\) and \(\|u\|_2=1\).
For the smallest singular value \(\sigma_n\) of \((zI - A)\) we have that \(\sigma_n\leq\epsilon\).
\(\|(zI - A)^{-1}\|_2\geq \epsilon^{-1}\).
Statement 1 is about the existence of a nearby matrix with a slightly perturbed eigenvalue. Statement 2 is about the existence of a vector \(u\) that satisfies \(Au\approx \lambda u\) with only a small error. Statement 3 is about the size of the smallest singluar value of \(zI - A\) and statement 4 gives a lower bound on the size of the resolvent function close to an eigenvalue.
This theorem shows that all these concepts are equivalent to each other. Let us give a proof.
Assume that statement 1 is true. We hence have
for some \(u\) with \(\|u\|_2=1\) and \(\|\Delta A\|_2\leq \epsilon\). Reordering gives
showing statement 2. Now let us show that 3 follows from 2. From the exercises we know that
Using Statement 2 it follows immediately that \(\sigma_n \leq \epsilon\).
4 now follows from 3 since
Finally, we need to prove that 1 follows from 4 to establish equivalence of all statements.
We have from statement 4 that there exist \(u\), \(v\) with \(\|u\|_2=\|v\|_2=1\) and \(\hat{\epsilon}\leq \epsilon\) such that
It follows that \(\epsilon v = (zI-A)u\) and therefore
Statement 1 therefore follows with \(\Delta A = \hat{\epsilon}vu^H\).
The Bauer-Fike Theorem#
Let \(A\in\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}\) be diagonalizable with \(AX = X\Lambda\), \(\Lambda\in\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}\) diagonal, and \(\Delta A\) a perturbation of \(A\). For every eigenvalue \(z\) of \(A+\Delta A\) there exists an eigenvalue \(\lambda\) of \(A\) such that
Before we prove this statement let us briefly reflect on it. The statement shows that the condition number of the eigenvector matrix \(X\) determines by how much we can expect arbitrary eigenvalues to be perturbed under perturbations of \(A\).
This result is related to the eigenvalue condition number. From \(AX = X\Lambda\) it follows that \(X^{-1}A = \Lambda X^{-1}\). Hence, the rows of \(X^{-1}\) are the left eigenvectors of the matrix \(A\). The Bauer-Fike theorem therefore gives a sharp bound for the maximum perturbation of any eigenvalue based on the norm of the matrix of right eigenvectors and the matrix of left eigenvectors.
The eigenvalue condition number in contrast uses the angle between left and right eigenvector to give a first order bound for each individual eigenvalue.
The proof of the Bauer-Fike theorem is straight forward using our previous perturbation bounds. From \(z\) being an eigenvalue of \(A+\Delta A\) it follows that
for an eigenvalue \(\lambda\) of \(A\). Reordering gives the desired statement.
Perturbation bounds for Hermitian eigenvalue problems#
If a matrix \(A\) is Hermitian (that is \(A^H=A\)) then from the Schur decomposition it follows that
with \(Q^HQ = I\). Moreover, the left eigenvectors are identical to the right eigenvectors. Hence, if \(\lambda\) is a not a multiple eigenvalue of \(A\) then we have that \(\kappa(\lambda)=1\). Similarly, the Bauer-Fike theorem simplifies to \(|z-\lambda| \leq \|\Delta A\|_2\), showing that eigenvalues of symmetric matrices are at most perturbed by the size of the input perturbation.
Rayleigh-Quotient for Hermitian eigenvalue problems#
Let \(A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\) be a symmetric matrix (that is \(A=A^T\)). Define the Rayleigh quotient
The Rayleigh quotient has a powerful property. First of all it is straight forward to see that if \(x\) is an eigenvector then \(r(x) = \lambda\). What happens if instead of \(x\) we apply a small perturbation \(\tilde{x} = x + \epsilon\)? We then obtain
It follows that if we know the eigenvector only up to an accuracy of \(\epsilon\) we can still extract the eigenvalue up to an accuracy of \(\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^2)\). This is exploited in numerical algorithms to compute eigenvalues with high accuracy for Hermitian problems.
The proof of this statement is rather simple. All it says is that \(\nabla r(x) = 0\) if \(x\) is an eigenvector. The rest follows from Taylor’s theorem. So let’s compute the derivative of \(r(x)\).
We have that
Hence, \((x^TAx)' = 2x^TA\) for a symmetric matrix \(A\) (convince yourself that we needed to use the property that \(A\) is symmetric for this derivation).
Applying the quotient rule we now get that
Hence, if \(x\) is an eigenvector, using that then \(r(x) = \lambda\) we obtain \(\nabla r(x) = 0\).