Backward error and condition number of linear systems of equations#

We consider the linear system of equations \(Ay = b\) with \(A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\) and \(b\in\mathbb{R}^n\). We assume that \(A\) is nonsingular.

Backward error#

For this linear system of equations the definition of the backward error is given as

\[ \eta(\tilde{y}) = \min \{\epsilon: (A+\Delta A)\tilde{y} = b + \Delta b, \|\Delta A\| \leq \epsilon \|A\|, \|\Delta b\|\leq \epsilon\|b\|\}. \]

The backward error can be explicitly computed. The result goes back to Rigal and Gaches (1961). We do not show the full derivation here.

\[ \eta(\tilde{y}) = \frac{\|b - A\tilde{y}\|}{\|A\|\cdot \|\tilde{y}\| + \|b\|} \]

The beauty of this result is that it only has computable quantities. The expression \(r := b - A\tilde{y}\) is called the residual of the linear system. It measures how close the left- and right-hand side are. Residual expressions are typical in backward error results.

Condition Number#

To derive a precise expression for the condition number of the linear system we need a little helper Lemma


Let \(\|\cdot\|\) be a submultiplicative matrix norm and \(X\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\). Then \(\|X\| < 1\) implies that \(I - X\) is invertible, \((I-X)^{-1} = \sum_{i=0}^{\infty}X^i\) and \(\|(I-X)^{-1}\| \leq \frac{1}{1-\|X\|}\).


We consider the partial sums

\[ S_n = \sum_{i=0}^{n}X^{i} \]

By norm equivalence and submultiplicativity we have for each matrix element \((S_n)_{\ell, t}\) that

\[ |(S_n)_{\ell, t}| \leq \sum_{i=0}^{n}\left|\left(X^i\right)_{\ell, t}\right|\leq \sum_{i=0}^n\max_{\ell, t}\left|\left(X^i\right)_{\ell, t}\right| \leq C\sum_{i=0}^{\infty}\|X^{i}\|\leq C\sum_{i=0}^\infty \|X\|^{i}= \frac{C}{1 - \|X\|}. \]

for some \(C> 0\).

Hence, every component of \(S_n\) is absolutely convergent and therefore the sum \(S_n\) converges with \(X^{n}\rightarrow 0\) as \(n\rightarrow\infty\).

For the inverse we have

\[ (I - X)S_n = I - X^{n+1} \]

and by taking limits, with \(S := \sum_{i=0}^{\infty}X^{i}\), we have that

\[ (I-X)S = I. \]

It follows that \((I-X)\) is nonsingular with \((I-X)^{-1} = S\). The estimate

\[ \|(I-X)^{-1}\| \leq \frac{1}{1-\|X\|} \]

follows from

\[ \|S\| \leq \sum_{i=0}^{\infty}\|X\|^{i} = \frac{1}{1-\|X\|}. \]

We can now estimate the condition number of the linear system of equations \(Ay=b\). Let \(\Delta A\) and \(\Delta b\) be perturbations in \(A\) and \(b\), and let \(\Delta y \) satisfy

\[ (A + \Delta A)(y + \Delta y) = b + \Delta b. \]

Collecting terms and using that \(Ay = b\) results in

\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} \Delta y &= (A + \Delta A)^{-1}(-\Delta A y + \Delta b)\\ &= \left[A(I + A^{-1}\Delta A)\right]^{-1}(-\Delta A y + \Delta b)\\ &= \left(I + A^{-1}\Delta A\right)^{-1}A^{-1}(-\Delta Ay+\Delta b). \end{aligned} \end{split}\]

Assuming that \(\Delta A\) is sufficiently small so that \(\|A^{-1}\Delta A\| < 1\) we can apply the previous lemma and obtain

\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} \frac{\|\Delta y\|}{\|y\|} &\leq \frac{\|A^{-1}\|}{1-\|A^{-1}\|\cdot \|\Delta A\|}\left(\|\Delta A\| + \frac{\|\Delta b\|}{\|y\|}\right)\\ &= \frac{\|A^{-1}\|\cdot \|A\|}{1-\|A^{-1}\| \cdot \|A\|\frac{\|\Delta A\|}{\|A\|}}\left(\frac{\|\Delta A\|}{\|A\|} + \frac{\|\Delta b\|}{\|b\|}\right),\end{aligned} \end{split}\]

where in the last equation we have used that \(\|b\| = \|Ay\| \leq \|A\|\cdot\|y\|\).

By ignoring higher order terms in \(\|\Delta A\|\) we obtain

\[ \frac{\|\Delta y\|}{\|y\|} \leq \|A^{-1}\|\cdot \|A\|\left(\frac{\|\Delta A\|}{\|A\|} + \frac{\|\Delta b\|}{\|b\|}\right). \]

The left-hand side is the relative output perturbation. The right-hand side is the product of \(\|A^{-1}\|\cdot \|A\|\) and the relative input perturbation \(\left(\frac{\|\Delta A\|}{\|A\|} + \frac{\|\Delta b\|}{\|b\|}\right)\). Hence, we have \(\kappa_{rel}(A) = \|A^{-1}\|\|A\|\) being the condition number of the linear system. This argument is not completely precise since one still needs to show that there actually exists a perturbation so that the left-hand side and right-hand side have equality. But we leave this technical detail here out.

Note: Since we also allow perturbations in \(b\) we should formally write \(\kappa_{rel}(A, b)\) as condition number. But we see that the condition number only depends on \(A\) and not on \(b\). Therefore, one simply writes \(\kappa_{rel}(A)\).

Going back to our earlier equation we hence have the precise estimate that

\[ \frac{\|\Delta y\|}{\|y\|}\leq \frac{\kappa_{rel}(A)}{1-\kappa_{rel}(A)\frac{\|\Delta A\|}{\|A\|}}\left(\frac{\|\Delta A\|}{\|A\|} + \frac{\|\Delta b\|}{\|b\|}\right), \]

which relates the relative forward error and the relative backward error in the linear system.

The condition number \(\kappa_{rel}(A)\) has an important interpretation. It measures how far away from being singular a linear system is. More precisely,

\[ \min\left\{\frac{\|\Delta A\|_2}{\|A\|_2}: A + \Delta A~singular \right\} = \frac{1}{\kappa_{rel}(A)}. \]

We are not going to prove this result here. Later in the term we will derive tools that make the relationship between condition number and distance to singularity immediately obvious.